SWCEO Interviews Joel Benjamin
Blog Post Written By: MelRose Michaels
Navigating the realms of sex and spirituality can often feel like treading a fine line, especially in the world of adult content creation. In a recent Twitter Space, MelRose Michaels sat down with Joel Benjamin, a seasoned yoga teacher and tantric bodywork practitioner. His insights on balancing these potent forces are not only enlightening but also offer practical guidance for those of us striving to build a sustainable and fulfilling career in the sex work industry.
This blog post highlights the conversation and shares Joel's invaluable wisdom on achieving longevity through embracing sexual energy and spirituality.

MelRose Michaels: As adult creators, we're aware that the power of sexuality is both potent and transformative. However, are we truly aware of sexual energy's full potential to enrich our lives? Today, I'm thrilled to introduce Joel Benjamin, who has been teaching yoga and tantric bodywork for over 15 years. His unique insights on sex and spirituality are a game-changer for anyone looking to find longevity and fulfillment in the adult industry. Thank you for joining us today, Joel!
Joel Benjamin: Hey, MelRose! Hey, everyone. Thank you for having me.
MelRose Michaels: Let's dive right in! For those who might not be familiar with your work, could you share your journey? How did you end up blending yoga, tantra, and sex work?
Joel: Sure! Looking back, everything connects, but it didn’t seem that way at the time. I was in the fitness industry for years as a personal trainer in New York and later managed an athletic club in Seattle. After becoming a licensed massage therapist, I transitioned into tantric bodywork and eventually became a yoga teacher. It all culminated during COVID, when I couldn’t teach workshops anymore, which were a significant revenue stream. A younger guy in one of my bodywork groups suggested I start an OnlyFans and share what I teach in the workshops there. I leaned into that, and it brought me to where I am now as a top 1% OnlyFans creator.
MelRose Michaels: That’s amazing. It’s such a testament to letting the market guide you and leveraging your unique experiences. Speaking of tantric bodywork, when did you first discover the connection between sexuality and spirituality in your own life?
Joel: For me, all of life is about karma—every action has a reaction. In my work, I always set clear intentions, whether it's a bodywork session or content collaboration. When you’re genuinely connected with someone, sex and spirituality naturally intertwine. It's about being present, communicating, and creating energy together. When those connections happen, it’s not something you have to work to cultivate—it just is.
MelRose Michaels:: That’s powerful. Many people struggle to connect sexuality with spirituality. How do you help your clients or collaborators make that leap?
Joel: I start by explaining the basic principles of tantra. Most people associate tantra with mystical sexual practices, which is accurate, but it's much more. Tantra is the only spiritual philosophy that integrates our sex life into our spiritual practice. Sexual energy is the most powerful creative force in the universe. Unfortunately, most men, especially, are only taught to discharge that energy, not to cultivate or harness it. When I work with clients, I teach them how to redirect and elevate that energy, not just for better sex, but for improving all areas of life.
MelRose Michaels: Let’s talk about that—harnessing sexual energy. What does that look like in practice?
Joel: It's about cultivating awareness and focus. Practices like yoga, meditation, and even something as simple as humming can ground you and help you feel that energy for what it truly is. Humming, for example, is like purring for humans. It grounds you and can help create a deeper connection with yourself or your partner. When you hum together before sex or a session, it builds a vibrational connection that opens up a more profound experience.
MelRose Michaels: That’s so interesting! Now, I’ve seen "tantric edging" come up in your work. What’s the difference between tantric edging and regular edging?
Joel: Great question! Regular edging is about control—taking a guy to the brink of orgasm and then stopping to prolong the experience. With tantric edging, it’s not about control or torture. It’s an agreement to generate energy together. The goal isn’t necessarily orgasm, but cultivating energy and using it to fuel both partners emotionally and spiritually. One technique I teach is the "root grip," where you hold the base of the penis to stabilize the energy. This, combined with deep breathing and a chest-pounding technique, allows the energy to flow throughout the body rather than just focusing on release.
MelRose Michaels: That’s fascinating! I know many women follow your content, even though it’s geared towards men. What kind of feedback have you received from women?
Joel: Women love having a resource that explains the male experience of sexual energy. A lot of straight men aren’t exposed to this kind of teaching, so their female partners often become their teachers. It’s really rewarding to see women embrace that role and help their partners cultivate and channel this energy. For those looking for more in-depth reading, I always recommend books like Urban Tantra by Barbara Carrellas or The Art of Sexual Ecstasy by Margot Anand.
MelRose Michaels: I love those recommendations! Now, what advice would you give to creators who are curious about incorporating spiritual practices into their sexual lives or content creation?
Joel: It starts with focusing on yourself. Develop a personal practice—whether it’s yoga, meditation, or breath work. These practices will naturally reveal the connection between spirit and sex. Honor and respect the work we do in this industry. When done with clear intention, sex work has the power to liberate people from shame. Lastly, always treat yourself with the same respect you expect from others.
MelRose Michaels: That’s such a beautiful way to end this conversation. Thank you so much, Joel, for sharing your insights and for being here today. Where can everyone find you?
Joel: You can find me on my website, powersofman.com, and on Instagram at @powersofman4ever. Thank you again for having me, MelRose!
Some parts of the above interview have been condensed or edited for clarity. For the full interview, listen to the entire Twitter space.
Find Joel Benjamin on Twitter.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the interview are those of the guest speaker and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of SexWorkCEO or MelRose Michaels. Anything said or written is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone else.
Der Artikel über Joel Benjamin und seine Perspektive auf sexuelle Energie und spirituelle Praktiken hat mich wirklich zum Nachdenken angeregt. Ich finde es faszinierend, wie er die Verbindung zwischen Sexarbeit und Spiritualität beleuchtet. Viele Menschen denken, dass die Branche nur vollkommener unsinn ist, ohne die tiefere Bedeutung und die positiven Aspekte zu erkennen, die sie bieten kann. Seine Erfahrungen zeigen, dass es möglich ist, in dieser Arbeit zu gedeihen und gleichzeitig eine gesunde Beziehung zu sich selbst und seiner Sexualität zu pflegen. Es ist wichtig, solche Stimmen zu hören und das Stigma zu hinterfragen. Vielen Dank für diesen eindrucksvollen Beitrag!